205 research outputs found

    Computing vs. Genetics

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    This chapter first presents the interrelations between computing and genetics, which both are based on information and, particularly, self-reproducing artificial systems. It goes on to examine genetic code from a computational viewpoint. This raises a number of important questions about genetic code. These questions are stated in the form of an as yet unpublished working hypothesis. This hypothesis suggests that many genetic alterations are caused by the last base of certain codons. If this conclusive hypothesis were to be confirmed through experiementation if would be a significant advance for treating many genetic diseases

    Investigación y desarrollo en el campo de la accesibilidad.

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    En este capítulo se describe la actividad de investigación y desarrollo más relevante llevada a cabo en CETTICO en el campo de la accesibilidad. En primer lugar, se presentan los cinco grupos de investigación que foman CETTICO, para seguidamente plantear su actuación en el ámbito de la ceguera y de la deficiencia auditiva, que son las dos discapacidades en las que más se ha trabajado. Con respecto a la ceguera se describen: algunas normas sobre requisitos de accesibilidad al ordenador, requisitos de usabilidad, un marco de trabajo para el desarrollo de aplicaciones y un diccionario con interfaz dual para usuarios, se describen: algunas normas sobre requisitos de accesibilidad al ordenador y el desarrollo de tres aplicaciones: una dirigída a la normalización de la lengua de signos, otra a la formación de niños sordos y la tercera al subtitulado en directo

    Incorporating Uncertainty and Cero Values into the Valuation of Protected Areas and Species

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    Under the Spanish conservation law, compensation is envisaged for the damage associated with all actions that reduce the quantity or quality of protected areas and species. This paper provides a tool to evaluate the monetary equivalent of this damage. We conduct a contingent valuation exercise to estimate the existence value related to protected areas and species in Aragon. This estimate is then reconsidered including the possibility of zero bids and also the possibility of uncertain preferences for non-familiar goods. Considering these two effects, mean values are reduced significantly giving support to previous recommendations of dividing by two contingent valuation estimates from dichotomous choice question formats.natural heritage, contingent valuation, Spike model, uncertainty, Land Economics/Use, B23, C24, C42, C52, D62, Q26,

    A novel R-package graphic user interface for the analysis of metabonomic profiles

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    Background Analysis of the plethora of metabolites found in the NMR spectra of biological fluids or tissues requires data complexity to be simplified. We present a graphical user interface (GUI) for NMR-based metabonomic analysis. The "Metabonomic Package" has been developed for metabonomics research as open-source software and uses the R statistical libraries. /Results The package offers the following options: Raw 1-dimensional spectra processing: phase, baseline correction and normalization. Importing processed spectra. Including/excluding spectral ranges, optional binning and bucketing, detection and alignment of peaks. Sorting of metabolites based on their ability to discriminate, metabolite selection, and outlier identification. Multivariate unsupervised analysis: principal components analysis (PCA). Multivariate supervised analysis: partial least squares (PLS), linear discriminant analysis (LDA), k-nearest neighbor classification. Neural networks. Visualization and overlapping of spectra. Plot values of the chemical shift position for different samples. Furthermore, the "Metabonomic" GUI includes a console to enable other kinds of analyses and to take advantage of all R statistical tools. /Conclusion We made complex multivariate analysis user-friendly for both experienced and novice users, which could help to expand the use of NMR-based metabonomics

    A simple mathematical model that describes the growth of the area and the number of total and viable cells in yeast colonies

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    We propose a model, based on the Gompertz equation, to describe the growth of yeasts colonies on agar medium. This model presents several advantages: (i) one equation describes the colony growth, which previously needed two separate ones (linear increase of radius and of the squared radius); (ii) a similar equation can be applied to total and viable cells, colony area or colony radius, because the number of total cells in mature colonies is proportional to their area; and (iii) its parameters estimate the cell yield, the cell concentration that triggers growth limitation and the effect of this limitation on the specific growth rate. To elaborate the model, area, total and viable cells of 600 colonies of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Debaryomyces fabryi, Zygosaccharomyces rouxii and Rhodotorula glutinis have been measured. With low inocula, viable cells showed an initial short exponential phase when colonies were not visible. This phase was shortened with higher inocula. In visible or mature colonies, cell growth displayed Gompertz-type kinetics. It was concluded that the cells growth in colonies is similar to liquid cultures only during the first hours, the rest of the time they grow, with near-zero specific growth rates, at least for 3 weeks

    Topical tacrolimus for the treatment of severe allergic keratoconjunctivitis in children

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    Purpose: Administration of eye drops containing antihistamines or sodium cromoglycate and its derivatives for the treatment of allergic keratoconjunctivitis is often insufficient and usually requires the addition of corticosteroids. However, the risk of complications, such as glaucoma and cataract, limits the use of corticosteroids to short courses, resulting in inadequate long-term treatment response. Immunosuppressive drugs have been considered as a valid alternative to steroids for atopic keratoconjunctivitis and vernal keratoconjunctivitis. This study aimed to evaluate the use of topical tacrolimus (TCL) in improving the clinical signs of severe allergic keratoconjuctivitis in children. Methods: Patients with severe allergic keratoconjunctivitis associated with corneal epitheliopathy, gelatinous limbal infiltrates, and/or papillary reaction, along with a history of recurrences and resistance to conventional topical anti-allergy agents, were included in this open clinical trial. Patients were treated with 0.03% TCL ointment for ocular use. A severity score ranging from 0 to 9, with 9 being the highest and 0 being the lowest, was assigned based on signs observed on biomicroscopy prior to and following TCL treatment. Results: Analyses included 66 eyes of 33 patients. After a mean follow-up period of 13 months (range, 12-29 months), TCL treatment significantly decreased the mean symptom score severity for the right (from 5.56 +/- 1.18 to 2.76 +/- 1.5p<0.001) and left (from 5.94 +/- 1.16 to 2.86 +/- 1.64p<0.001). Conclusion: Topical TCL was effective and significantly improved the clinical signs of allergic keratoconjuctivitis in children. Thus, it is a potential new option for severe and challenging cases of ocular allergy.Univ Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Ophthalmol, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Ophthalmol, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Thyroid Pathology Findings in Cowden Syndrome: A Clue for the Diagnosis of the PTEN Hamartoma Tumor Syndrome

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    OBJECTIVES: PTEN hamartoma tumor syndrome (PHTS) is a hereditary disorder caused by germline inactivating mutations of the PTEN gene. PHTS includes Cowden syndrome and Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome. We describe how the peculiar pathologic and immunohistochemical thyroid features lead pathologists to suggest PHTS. METHODS: A 28-year-old white Spanish woman had a multinodular goiter. Total thyroidectomy was performed after fine-needle aspiration biopsy. Microscopic, immunohistochemical, and molecular analyses of the thyroid lesions were realized. RESULTS: The thyroid was multinodular, showing one papillary microcarcinoma, five follicular adenomas, three adenolipomas, 46 tiny adenomatous nodules (microadenomas), scattered foci of adipose tissue, and lymphocytic thyroiditis. Tumors were positive for thyroglobulin, thyroperoxidase, pendrin, cyclin D1, and p27 but negative for calcitonin and PTEN. A germline heterozygous deletion of one adenine at nucleotide 827 in exon 8 of the PTEN gene was confirmed. No BRAF, NRAS, or KRAS somatic mutations were detected in the papillary microcarcinoma, follicular adenoma, adenolipomas, or microadenomas. Negativity for PTEN was also found in the colonic tubulovillous adenoma and the storiform collagenoma. CONCLUSIONS: Pathologists play a crucial role in recognizing pathologic thyroid findings associated with PHTS for selecting patients for genetic testing

    Adopting sustainability competence-based education in academic disciplines : Insights from 13 higher education institutions

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    Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have been incorporating sustainability into education and curricula, where recent research has focussed on sustainability competences, pedagogical approaches, and how to connect them, generally on a single HEI. The process of integrating sustainability into education based on curricula assessment has been explained using adoption of innovations; and has the potential to explain the process of developing competences through pedagogical approaches. The aim of this paper is to investigate this process at academic discipline level. An online survey was developed to investigate teaching sustainability competences in 13 HEIs, from which 678 responses from educators were obtained. The competences and pedagogical approaches from the responses were ranked, and then the connections between the competences and pedagogical approaches per discipline were analysed using a correlations-based framework, from which three disciplines groups were created. The groups were categorised using diffusion of innovations theory, which indicated that some disciplines are more innovative than others in adopting sustainability competence-based teaching. The results are used to propose two frameworks to better understand the adoption of sustainability competence-based teaching: (a) the D-RAPID framework; and (b) the Disciplinary Multi-dimensional Sustainability Influence Change for Academia (D-MuSICA) memework. The adoption of sustainability competence-base education must expand from a single HEI perspective to a disciplinary collaborative one spanning many HEIs, where academic disciplines should learn from each other's insights and mistakes and provide students with more transdisciplinary skillsets to make societies more sustainable.Peer reviewe

    Accessing and managing open medical resources in Africa over the Internet

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    Recent commentaries have proposed the advantages of using open exchange of data and informatics resources for improving health-related policies and patient care in Africa. Yet, in many African regions, both private medical and public health information systems are still unaffordable. Open exchange over the social Web 2.0 could encourage more altruistic support of medical initiatives. We have carried out some experiments to demonstrate the feasibility of using this approach to disseminate open data and informatics resources in Africa. After the experiments we developed the AFRICA BUILD Portal, the first Social Network for African biomedical researchers. Through the AFRICA BUILD Portal users can access in a transparent way to several resources. Currently, over 600 researchers are using distributed and open resources through this platform committed to low connections